Une histoire à soi. 2005.

La jeune fille, 2005.
Impression numérique sur tissu polyester. 107cm X 237cm.
Digital print on polyester. 107cm X 237cm.
A Billie Holiday song /a painting of an autumn landscape /a wall of pinewood panelling / the door to a bedroom / moonlight on the bed / the tap dripping in the kitchen / the crackling fire / a young girl who lets herself be kissed / the reddish-brown divan / a packet of white powder / the ashtray full / on the coffee table / the bottle of overturned scotch / the Persian rug / the dog sniffing between its legs / an abandoned filing cabinet.

Les fantômes, 2005.
Impressions numériques sur tissu polyester. 107cm X 155cm.
Digital print on polyester. 107cm X 155cm.
My father’s step heavy on the stairs / a bedroom door wide open / light shining on the wood floor/ covers pulled up over my head / ghosts under the bed.

Le neveu, 2005.
Impressions numériques sur tissu polyester. 107cm X 155cm.
Digital print on polyester. 107cm X 155cm.
The boy sings / the song / learned at school / in the middle of this alcoholic night-time ruckus / where no one / listens to anyone.

Le père, le fils, 2005.
Impressions numériques sur tissu polyester. 107cm X 155cm.
Digital print on polyester. 107cm X 155cm.
The son is on the phone with his father / in the next room the rustling sounds of a newspaper / the nervous laugh of his mother who knows / they are there / whispering their affection to each other / the acrid odour of cigarettes left burning in the ashtray.

Une histoire à soi. 2005.

(série de douze)

L’œuvre aborde ici la maison comme lieu clos sur la famille, micro-société dotée d’une histoire singulière par laquelle survient ce qui demeure caché versus ce que l’on accepte de montrer. Théâtre du quotidien dramatique où évolue la famille à l’abri des regards, la maison ouvre sa façade mais se ferme aux aveux.

Deux types de représentation sont ici abordés simultanément : la première, photographique, figure l’extérieur de résidences privées tandis que l’autre, en superposition textuelle, livre des indices d’une scène se déroulant à l’intérieur de ce microcosme. La co-présence de l’image et du texte sur une même surface interroge les divers types d’interférences entre le visuel et le textuel.







The work here looks at the home as a private place belonging to the family, a micro society with a particular story. What takes place there may remain hidden versus what one agrees to show. A theatre of daily drama where the family moves about sheltered from public view, the home presents its facade but makes no confessions.

Two kinds of representations are simultaneously undertaken here: the first, a photograph, shows the exterior of private homes while the other, as a textual superimposition, reveals signs of a scene taking place inside this microcosm. The co-presence of the image and text on the same surface questions the various kinds of interference occurring between the visual and the textual.